Friday, August 18, 2017

USS Halford DD-480 Escort Duty From New Caledonia to Territory of Hawaii

On July 10, 1943, the USS Halford (DD-480) entered in through the opened anti-submarine net into Pearl Harbor in the Territory of Hawaii. The net closed behind us. We were there for three and a half months of testing for our seaplane as a means to scout the enemy. We anchored in the harbor. In order to get ashore, we used whale boats. The USS Halford had two whale boats, one on each side.

Salvage operations were still being done in Pearl Harbor on the USS Oklahoma (BB-37), the USS Utah (BB-31), and the USS Arizona (BB-39). The USS Arizona was too badly damaged to be raised. Eventually, a memorial was built above it called the USS Arizona Memorial. They later tried to raise the USS Utah, but couldn’t so it is still in Pearl Harbor. The USS Oklahoma had been raised and was moved into dry dock in 1944. After being decommissioned and sold for scrap, the USS Oklahoma sunk in a storm while being towed on May 17, 1947, more than 500 miles out of the Territory of Hawaii.

In later July 1943, testing was interrupted for escort duty which sent us to Nouméa, New Caledonia. On August 1, 1943, the USS Halford (DD-480), the USS Converse (DD-509) and the USS Boyd (DD-544) escorted both the USS Indiana (BB-58) and the HMS Victorious (R38) back to Pearl Harbor. A Japanese two-man submarine was on the USS Indiana's fantail (back end). The two Japanese prisoners were on the HMS Victorious. The USS Halford screened for submarines to New Caledonia and on the way back. We entered Pearl Harbor seven days later to resume testing.

HMS Victorious (R38), a British Illustrious-class aircraft carrier
USS Indiana (BB-58), a South Dakota-class battleship

USS Indiana (BB-58), a South Dakota-class battleship
HMS Victorious (R38), a British Illustrious-class aircraft carrier

The British Aircraft Carrier HMS Victorious was loaned to the United States in December 1942 due to the USS Hornet (CV-8) being sunk and the USS Enterprise (CV-6) being badly damaged at the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands which left the U.S. with only the USS Saratoga (CV-3) in the Pacific. On July 25, 1943, HMS Victorious was recalled home. Two carriers of the new Essex-class arrived at Pearl Harbor well ahead of schedule.

The above is as best as I can recollect/remember.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

USS Halford DD-480 Shakedown Cruise from Puget Sound to San Diego Naval Base

At Puget Sound Naval Shipyard on the morning of April 10, 1943, all hands were mustered aboard the USS Halford DD-480 while still in dry dock crossing the walkway bridge to the deck of the ship. We had previously had a work detail where everyone loaded the supplies: food, ammunition, medical supplies, etc. On the main deck, we put our seabags down while roll was called. Next, they assigned us to our separate departments and assigned us our bunks along with our lockers to store our gear in. After lunch, we reported to our different departments and were given watch assignments. My watch was 4 hours on the aft generator switchboard in the aft engine room and 8 hours off. Besides the Chief Electrician’s Mate, there were 21 Electrician’s Mates with 3 locations to cover: The aft generator, the forward generator, and the I.C. room. First, the steam engine has to be started. As soon as the boilers are up to 600 lbs. of superheated steam, then you open the valve that lets the steam into the steam engine to turn the rotors that supply the power to the generators.  As soon as the first generator is up to speed (60 cycles on the cycle meter) and voltage is up to 440 volts then you close the breaker which supplies electricity to ship’s electrical equipment. The second generator had to be synchronized with the first. Either a first class or second class would come down and make sure you knew how to do it. The breakers to the second generator are already opened (otherwise, the 1st generator would try to drive both generators which would cause reverse power and kick both generators offline). So when you do the 2nd generator, you open the steam valve until you get the 2nd generator up to speed (60 cycles on the cycle meter) and then you close the field switch and bring the voltage up to match the first generator (440 volts). Then you watch the 3 sync phase lights and when they are all dark, you close the breaker to the second generator. This puts both generators online to supply electrical power to the ship.

Fletcher-class Destroyer Technical Drawing – USS Halford DD-480 WWII

As soon as everything was checked to be in working order on the ship, it was time to leave the dry dock. The way this is done, the hydraulic gates are opened to the dry dock, water fills the dry dock, the blocks are mechanically retracted, and the USS Halford used the engines to pull out of the flooded dry dock.
1137-43. Puget Sound Navy Yard. 25 April 1943. USS Halford DD-480 at time of inclining experiment.

1138-43. Puget Sound Navy Yard. 25 April 1943. USS Halford DD-480. Topside, starboard, amidships, at time of inclining experiment.

1139-43. Puget Sound Navy Yard. 25 April 1943. USS Halford DD-480. Topside, starboard, in way of catapult at the time of inclining experiment.

1140-43. Puget Sound Navy Yard. 25 April 1943. USS Halford DD-480. Topside, aft, at time of inclining experiment.

USS Halford proceeded out Sinclair Inlet Eastward to the Central Puget Sound Basin, due North along the East side of Bainbridge Island (also in Central Puget Sound Basin), then Northwest through Admiralty Inlet, then West through Strait of Juan De Fuca to get to the Pacific Ocean.

We anchored at San Diego Naval Base mid-morning. The first third of the crew in white dress uniform was allowed to go on liberty leave until midnight. The second morning, we went out for target practice. The target was a canvas sleeve flown 300 yards behind a plane. If you shoot down the target, you got credit for good shooting. The 20mm guns with a Mark 51 director and the 5-inch guns soon shot down the target and they requested us to stop. Thus on the second morning at mid-morning, we went back to the base and second third of the crew went on liberty. The third morning at San Diego, we shot down the target again and they again requested us to stop. Thus on the third day at mid-morning, we went back to the base and the last third of the crew went on liberty. On the fourth morning at San Diego, we did it again and they asked to stop again. So on the fourth day at mid-morning, we headed to Puget Sound Naval Shipyard to fix the things that did not work.

After repairs at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, we were ordered to San Francisco Bay and anchored in the bay to wait for Orders. USS Halford was ordered to Pearl Harbor Naval Base. We proceeded to Pearl Harbor on the fifth of July 1943.

Note: The above is the best that I remember.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Chauncey Penfold, the USS Halford DD-480 & Puget Sound Naval Shipyard

A Naval Officer met us at the train station in Seattle on March 5, 1943. We ferried over to Puget Sound Naval Shipyard at Bremerton, Washington (30 to 40 minute ferry ride). We checked in at the barracks. The next morning, I met a machinist mate who had been there a couple months and he knew his way around. He was assigned to the same ship. He took me down to the office to get a pass for permission to go aboard the USS Halford DD-480 so that we could learn about the ship. We had never been on a ship before. So each day we would go down to the ship and try to learn more. Each day we would look at a different part of the ship. The welders and ship fitters were working hard to finish the ship.

We learned the following:
  • There were 2 engine rooms – each room with a 50,000 HP power steam engine and 450 KW AC 3 phase 440 volt generator to supply electricity for the ship. 440 volt was stepped down to 120 volt for lighting.
  • There was an emergency room with a diesel engine with a 1000 KW generator for emergency power.
  • There were 2 boiler rooms - each had two oil fired boilers that produced 600 PSI of super heated steam to power the ship’s two 50,000 HP steam engines.
  • There the I.C. room where the fire control computer was to control the 5 inch guns when on automatic. They had a fire control director on top of the bridge where two people sat. One controlled the elevation and one controlled the deflection. And when the guns were on automatic, this would feed into the computer for automatic aiming to direct the 5 inch guns for their targets.
  • Also in the I.C. was the PA for the ship.
  • Also in the I.C. was the gyro compass which let the Quartermaster(helmsman) steering the ship know where the ship was at to that he could set the ship’s course. There were two MG sets that powered the rotors on the compass (one to run and the other for backup).
  • Also in the I.C. was a control panel with switches to supply power to all the devices in the room.
  • The gyro compass feeds ship’s speed into the fire control computer and it also feed into a dead reckoning which plots position of the ship.
  • Bendix Underwater Log determined the ship’s speed by water pressure. There was sword that was located near front of the ship and stuck about 3 feet. It had a small hole in the front and a small hole in the back. The front hole measured the water pressure from the ship moving forward. The back hole recorded the static pressure of the water. One pressure sensor was connected to the front hole and another pressure sensor was connected to the back. The balance between the two pressure sensors determined the ship’s speed.
  • Both fed data into the speed indicator on the bridge, the fire control computer, the gyro compass, and the dead reckoning.
  • There was a Radar Room with the controls for the radar (above water to locate other ships).
  • There was a Sound Gear where a ping was sent to detect ships under water.
  • There was a Steering Gear Room where you could manually steer the ship if the automatic system is not working on the Bridge. The Steering Gear Room had a selector switch for automatic or manual.
  • There was a Control Room for the Anchor Windlass which controlled the motors that lifts the two anchors (one on each side). The anchors could also be controlled from the Bridge.
  • There was a Bridge for steering the ship.
  • There was a mess hall with a walk-in freezer room, officers mess hall, a galley, a storage room for supplies, a sick bay, a supply officer room, a laundry room, an evaporator (to evaporate sea water into fresh water, sleeping quarters for enlisted men (two in the rear and one in the front) and officers’ quarters, and three heads (one for the captain, one for the officers, and one for the rest of the crew. The head for the rest of the crew had four stalls with seats and two showers.
  • There were also four 20 mm guns, one twin 40 mm anti-aircraft gun, four 5 inch guns, 250 lb. depth charges (air guns to shoot them out) and 500 lb. depth charges (rolled off the back of the ship).
  • There was a Vought OS2U Kingfisher scout floatplane with its catapult. But a 5 inch gun, the after torpedo mount with five torpedo tubes, and the 20 mm mounts on the fantail were sacrificed to put the seaplane and catapult on.

The education I received in exploring and learning as the USS Halford DD-480 was being built was very valuable to my service as Electrician’s Mate in World War II.

Chauncey Penfold Trained at Electrician School at University of Minnesota

On the first Monday of December 1942, Chauncey Penfold commenced his twelve weeks of U.S. Navy’s Electrician School at the University of Minnesota at City of Minneapolis. That morning the commander called a meeting for the 120 (divided into groups of 10) of our company to inform us of what we needed to do. Each group was given their schedule of classes. So while one group of ten attended math, another group went to blueprint reading class. We had math, wiring lab, blueprint reading, electrical theory, and motor/generator testing lab.

The whole company had breakfast, lunch and dinner together. Our laundry was sent out. We had dress inspection on Saturday mornings. For the first two months, the co-eds (ladies) served the food. After that, the Navy cooks and cook strikers took over and the lines moved a lot faster.

In the wiring lab, they assigned us our lab partner and gave us a list of what we needed for the wiring project. My lab partner was smart. He instructed me to get two of the first half of the list and he got two of each of the last half of the list. With this time management technique, we finished first and received another lab project which we usually completed. My lab partner did house wiring before he joined the U.S. Navy. In one of the labs, they gave us the mechanical parts to a small motor. We had to wire it up and make it run.

We got liberty on Saturday afternoons and Sunday. I enjoyed going to the USO in St. Paul by streetcar on Saturday afternoon.  On Sunday, the laundry came back which I rolled my clothing and placed it in my seabag. I studied my homework and also the U.S. Navy’s basic handbook, The Bluejacket's Manual.

On liberty. I went with Richard Heater to his friends’ house for Christmas Dinner. Classes were not held on New Year’s Day. Because of World War II, training/education continued between Christmas and New Year's Day.

We finished our twelve weeks of Electrical School at the end of February 1943. I graduated and earned a rating of Third Class Electrician’s Mate. I was particularly good at labwork and reading blueprints.

The following Monday morning in a meeting of the 120 of us, the commander announced that all of us got delayed orders, except a few. I was standing with Richard Heater and Clifford Trezise, whom had come with me from Farragut NTS, Idaho. I said to them, “I am one of the few”. They asked me how I knew. I said, “Just wait and see”. Right after the meeting ended, I received the paperwork to go to the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard at Bremerton, Washington along with four others who were cooks and cook strikers. I was assigned to the U.S.S. Halford DD-480. The five of us packed our seabags and were put on the train to Bremerton Washington.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Chauncey Penfold Trained at Farragut Naval Training Station, Idaho

A U.S. Naval Training Station was established at Farragut, Idaho to be far from possible coastal invasion and/or coastal bombings.  Our company was on the bottom floor of our barracks in Camp Waldron (one of six Camps).  Each  camp had between 20 and 22 two-story barracks, drill field, a mess hall, recreation building, sick bay and dispensary, administration building, and a drill hall with a swimming pool (ours was not finished).  In some areas/camps, not all of the barracks were finished.  When I was there, a lot of building was still being done.  After I left, they eventually finished even the hospital.  Also, there were very few WAVES while I was there.

We arrived at Farragut Naval Training Station (Farragut NTS) at the beginning of October, 1942.  The next morning after we arrived at Farragut Naval Training Station, they took two of us at a time to the Barber to get our hair cut.  The young man that I went with had 2 inch long hair and he asked the Barber to give him a light trim.  The Barber said, “O.K.” and then the Barber shaved a path from the front of his head over the top of his head and then down the back.  After that, the Barber shaved the rest of his hair off.  The Navy’s induction cut for new boot camp participants is a clipper cut with no guard (number 0) all over the head, leaving a short stubble-like finish.  Also on the first day at Farragut NTS, we had to mark all of our clothes, etc. with the stencils that were given to us with our clothes, etc. the night before.

We marched in the morning and in the afternoon.  We went to classes on Navy rules, regulations, and what was expected of us.  This included classes on knot tying, how to pack clothes in a seabag, etc.

On liberty, I went to see my sister Ruby and her husband Weston Justice in Spokane, Washington.  Weston was an instructor on airplane engine mechanics.  Weston took me back to Farragut NTS.

The first four companies were graduated on November 26, 1942 and Ross Hall took the company group pictures.  I belonged to Company 4, 11th Battalion, 3rd Regiment.  After graduation, we were all given seven days of leave.  I went home on the Greyhound Bus to help my parents with the dehorning and branding of the calves.

We were given aptitude tests before graduation.  So the morning after I arrived in Farragut NTS from my leave, I was put on a train with two others for electrical school training at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis.  We were on the train for that day then the night and the following day.  It was really cold on the train through Montana even with our Navy Peacoats on and the heat on all the way because it was the beginning of December 1942.  We arrived into Minneapolis at 9:00 p.m. and we had a cold walk to the dormitory from the train station because the streetcars had stopped running.
Chauncey Penfold Trained at Farragut Naval Training Station, Idaho

Friday, August 19, 2016

Chauncey Penfold Joined the U.S. Navy!

There were only radios when Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941. Nonetheless, everyone was informed about it all across the United States and were talking about it.

I decided to enlist in the Navy so I pre-registered into the Navy in June of 1942, because I did not like the idea of carrying a pack. I was helping to thresh grain at Arnold’s in September of 1942. The Navy Recruiting Officer picked me up off the stack of grain and we passed by my house to pick up my suitcase that I had already packed. He drove me to Salt Lake City, Utah and put me up in a hotel that the Navy paid my bill. The next morning, the Navy Recruiter took me for a physical. When they check me, the Navy’s doctor found wax in my ear and said I would have to see a private doctor to have it removed. When I told the Navy Recruiter, he said, “You don’t have to go to a doctor. They can wash it out.” He sent me back in for them to wash it out. A couple of Pharmacist Mates washed it out. I signed the papers to join the Navy right after the wax was washed out of my ear.

The next day, I boarded a train with nine other enlisted men for Farragut Naval Training Station on the Southern end of Lake Pend Oreille in Farragut, Idaho in Northern Idaho. It took the train three days to get there because the train kept getting side-tracked so that other regular trains could pass.  We did not arrive until 9:00 P.M. at night. So they took us to the supply building and issued our clothes,etc. then took us to the barracks. It was late. The Commanding Officer asked if we had our bunk numbers and we said no. So he said, “Grab the closest bunk and we will straighten this out tomorrow.” A guy by the name of Day was standing next to me and he said, “You take the top bunk and I can have the bottom one.”